For centuries Flyers have played an important message is alerting the masses. The impact of flyers continues today even in the face of an ever-expanding digital world.
With its easy to digest format and ability to be visually taken into a household and shared, the physical nature of a flyer makes it a very powerful marketing tool.

You can’t place a digital reminder on your fridge like a flyer!
By pure definition a flyer is a small printed notice which is used to advertise a particular company, service, or event. (Collins Dictionary).
And there is a multitude of ways in which to distribute a flyer from hand outs to in-store placement, mailouts and in tote bag gift packs. The list is endless.
For a business, the further bonus of a flyer is the return on investment. The investment is affordable quality, no matter what format it comes in from A6 postcard size to A2 folded.
Clients have recorded tremendous ROI’s with an A2 sized flyer as the potential buyer is forced to unravel it like a present for the message to be revealed!
Screen Offset Printing is exceptionally equipped in the printing of flyers in-house, no matter how big or small the run.
The two printing options are the Komori Offset Printer and the Ricoh C9100 Digital Printer.
The Komori Offset Printer is used for larger runs as it is more economical for clients.
For smaller runs, the Ricoh C9100 Digital Printer is deployed, again as it is more economical for clients.

The printing results of the Offset and Digital Printers are exceptional which is ensured through the attention-to-detail checks by our motivated production staff.
Projects are carried out with precision and speed.
Flyers remain an essential and engaging marketing tool and with a professionally branded message, can massively help in promoting exposure and sales and in turn your business turnover.

You can order your Flyers online at or contact us by phone (07) 3265 1900 or email
Alternatively, simply call into the office at 202 Robinson Road, Geebung Brisbane to discuss your signage needs.
Screen Offset Printing is your total printing solution specialist servicing Australia with free delivery to Brisbane and the Gold Coast.